L'alternative Old Navy & American Apparel

L'alternative Old Navy & American Apparel
Bonjour! Donc aujourd'hui encore pluvieux à Montréal et vraiment très frisquet! Bientôt je vais devoir commencer à mettre un manteau! NON! L'automne commence à peine! Je veux un recomptage! Le début de septembre était tellllement parfait à 18°... Mais bon, c'est aussi ca la mode, savoir s'adapter à toute les températures! Alors j'essaie quelque chose d'un peu plus relax mis à part les kitten heels éclair. Est-ce que ca existe la danse du soleil?
Hi! So today is rainy and coldish again in Montreal! Soon we'll have to put coats on! NO! Autumn was only just starting! I request a recount! The beginning of September way so perfect with its 18°... Oh well, that's the world of fashion, you have to adapt to every temperature! I'm trying something a little more relaxed today except for the lightningy kitten heels. Is there such a thing as a sun dance?
Hi everyone! Today I start this blog about fashion that also wants to send the message to all plus-size girls out there that they are beautiful and that they must react in the face of every big box store that doesn’t offer US a choice in their merchandise! I love fashion and I love style so this blog will be a mix of ideas for every plus-size girl in need of inspiration! If you are skeptical about my "plussizeism" I confirm that I am a size 14-16 and that I refuse to enter stores like Zara, Mango and rarely go to H & M because nothing fits me! Fashion is my passion and I transfer that passion to all of you today, En direct de Montréal!!
Veston & foulard Vintage Jeans Gap, Collier Girl Props, camisole Old Navy, Boots One avenue plus
Vintage Blazer & scarf, Jeans Gap, Necklace Girl Props, tank Old Navy, Boots One avenue plus